

Just a few of the things that I'm loving lately...

{1} This pup (aka guard dog) who is nothing but lovable, both awake... 

... and asleep.

I never could have imagined how much better our lives would be become the day she found us. But it has... Exponentially. Right now, I can't imagine how our life (that, to be perfectly honest, we like exactly how it is) will accommodate a baby. So I just keep taking comfort in Mocha as the proof that sometimes when you think things can't get better... they actually can.

And that brings me to both {2} and {3} Watching this little fella grow and grow and grow... and with it my closet slowly shrinking. That is, until I embraced the yoga pant: THE greatest invention EVER (for both the expectant and the regular human being). And officially the entire bottom half of my current wardrobe.

{4} Coconut water with pulp. I discovered this one this past summer when I had a tonsillectomy, but only recently has it become a favorite. Because honestly, water gets old. Especially in large quantities. I have to admit that this is probably one of those love or hate things. The husband is on the opposite side of the fence - he doesn't like to chew his drinks. But that only solidifies it's safety in our fridge. =)  

 {5} Daydreaming about this place. Last weekend, on a whim, we booked our last vacation before little guy is born. Only 3 weeks left.. trust me, the countdown is on!

Happy day of love to you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, you are going to love Seaside! I'm dreaming of Florida now... a nice, warm daydream for a cold February day. Have fun!!