

As I type this right now (one handed) baby boy is sleeping in one arm to the hum of the lawnmower and competing symphony of crickets. It occurred to me in so many moments today how the pace of our life has changed. I love being on the move and have a bit of this wandering spirit that’s always eager for another trip, another adventure - something unplanned. I suspected that a baby would change all that a lot. I thought there would be fewer trips and I’d have to convince myself that I could be a happy homebody… I’m so grateful that’s not what happened!

Instead I’m finding that our days are still full and spontaneous, just at a different pace. A better pace actually. One slow enough to notice and enjoy little things that I wouldn’t have before. Like entertaining shadows and patterns while out to lunch. Like the late night and early morning sounds of bugs and birds in the field out back. This little guy makes even the everyday errands somehow feel more fun than usual (though usually twice as long). And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Life is so very good.

// this is what happened when we took Mocha to get her nails trimmed the other day:

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